Authentic Connections that Grow People.

Empower Local Communities

We have long term Connections and partnerships with local communities. Our expeditions ensure that you are immersed in local communities and have local authentic experiences. 


Experience Iconic Environments

Experience and connect with the many diverse and unique environments via vehicles, foot, bike, water, air and animals.


Diverse Expedition Options

We create itineraries to everyone’s budgets, travel dreams and timeframes. Whether you are looking to join an escorted scheduled expedition or create a customised trip.


Last month we were very fortunate to travel to Africa. There were so many highlights but being together as a family would have to have been my favourite thing. I loved watching Carl and the kids soak the whole experience in. The beautiful people we met from our small tour group and the strangers who became friends along the way were also very special. At times I felt as though we were inside the pages of a National Geographic magazine. The wildlife was incredible as was the scenery. Camping in the Serengeti was unforgettable. Special thanks to our friend Brendon Hart for inspiring us to visit Peace Matunda and experience the true Tanzania

Carl and Nic Moon

Get in touch today to find out more about the travel experiences we have to offer!